LTA owes the successes of its productions to all of its talented members.
We welcome all theater enthusiasts willing to work including actors, backstage “techies,” set builders, designers, ushers, catering staff, and box office workers. See below for a list of ideas and opportunities.
Memberships and Member Benefits
ACTIVE MEMBERS – $50 per year
Most of our members are Active members. If you have a skill, we can find a use for it. If you would like to develop a skill, we can help. Active membership includes both benefits and responsibilities. Members are asked to volunteer at least a few hours per year to the theater, participate in LTA’s annual meeting, and contribute annual dues of $50. In return, members receive the theatre’s newsletter, The Floodlight; plus one ticket to every regular season production (that’s a mere $7.15 per ticket!); discounted fees for the Theatre’s education programs; a vote at annual meetings; and the opportunity to foster the arts in Alexandria. You’ll also have good times and find others with a common interest in the arts.
Online Signup for 2024-2025 FULL SEASON ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP (July 2024-June 2025):
OR to mail your membership dues, please click: Active Membership Form to download a Member Application
and mail to: The Little Theatre of Alexandria, 600 Wolfe Street Alexandria, VA 22314.
Other types of memberships are also available:
JUNIOR MEMBERS – $30 per year
To build for the future, LTA offers those under the age of 18 the opportunity to become junior members. These younger members are encouraged to function as Active Members by working on productions and learning the craft of theater. Junior members are not permitted to vote at the annual meeting, but they receive all the other benefits of Active Members.
Online signup for 2024-2025 JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (July 2024-June 2025):
To mail your Junior Membership dues, please click HERE to download a Junior Membership Application
and mail to The Little Theatre of Alexandria, 600 Wolfe Street Alexandria, VA 22314.
All actors appearing on the LTA stage must be members. Because actors frequently work many different venues during the year, they are asked to become members for the period of the shows in which they have been cast. Their dues entitle them to one ticket to the show in which they are cast, The Floodlight, and discounted fees for the LTA’s education programs. Performing Members do not receive a vote at annual meetings, but they are encouraged to consider becoming an Active Member.
Click HERE to download a Performing Membership Application.
Please turn in your application and payment to the producer of the show.
Consider Volunteering or Mentoring at LTA!
Not ready to be a member, but would like to support LTA by helping out? Click HERE for a volunteer application.
For a list of the many areas that LTA seeks volunteers for, click HERE for more ideas and information.
LTA’s Mentorship Program
As Governor for Membership, I am excited to see so many of our patrons, members, and volunteers in the theatre. While we continue to maintain a Covid-safe environment there are programs to ensure there are volunteer opportunities for all. LTA’s Mentoring Program includes all positions in the theatre that will result into a much-needed Succession Plan. This is necessary to grow a rigorous cadre of prepared volunteers to move into all our leadership positions from lead designers to Governors.
So how will this work? You let me know what you are interested in; for example, set dressing, props designer, producing or Building Governor. I will match you with a seasoned set dresser, props designer, producer, and even the current Building Governor, who I happen to know is looking to mentor someone.
The Mentorship Program is well underway. Currently there are three people learning to be producers. Obviously, this cannot be achieved without our seasoned volunteers. You are integral in making this ambitious program into the enormous success I know it can be. We must show our “newer” volunteers that we value their passion to LTA. These partnerships will develop into a robust succession plan so when positions require filling there will be knowledgeable volunteers ready to take the lead. These two programs are vital to all volunteers feeling welcomed, having opportunities and the future of our wonderful community theatre. New Eyes = Fresh Ideas.
I hope to see you around the theatre.
Kadira Coley
Governor for Membership
Questions? Contact: membershipgovlta@gmail.com
At this difficult time, The Little Theatre of Alexandria stands fully and proudly with the African American community and the Black Lives Matter movement, and we stand strongly against injustice and racism. Actively dismantling racism in all its forms is a challenge and opportunity that must be embraced by all, and LTA is committed to redoubling its efforts to use the power of the stage and our community to make Alexandria a better—more just, more diverse, more welcoming–place to live, work, and play.
At LTA, we are listening; but we are acting too. The LTA Board has formed a DEI (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) committee to increase the presence of people of color not just in front of the curtain, but in all aspects of our theater. If you have ideas for how LTA can improve itself going forward, please contact LTA President Frank Shutts (fds_2@hotmail.com). Join us as we move forward and create a better tomorrow.
The 2024 Annual Meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 3, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Building LTA’s Leadership Pipeline
2024 Board of Governor Candidates
As LTA marks its 90th year in 2024, we need to focus on growing our volunteer community and building a leadership pipeline to carry us into the future for many more decades. Whether you joined LTA during season 2023-24 or have been volunteering for a few years or a long time, you can have an impact on LTA’s future and expanding our leadership pool.
- Attend the annual meeting on June 3 and cast a ballot in the LTA board election
- Keep your LTA membership current, a criterion for voting in elections and serving on a committee or the Board of Governors.
Familiarize yourself with the candidates’ statements before the annual meeting so you are prepared to vote. Individuals with current 2023-2024 membership status are eligible to cast a ballot.
Nominations are permitted from the annual meeting floor. However, all are subject to candidate suitability. Click here for more details on qualifications for President and Governor slates. Full descriptions of governor duties are available online.
Join your LTA friends the evening of June 3 at 7:00 PM for the annual meeting and participate in the election process. Annual meeting information will be emailed to all members several weeks in advance.
Nominations are permitted from the annual meeting floor. However, all are subject to candidate suitability. Click here for more details on qualifications for President and Governor slates. Full descriptions of governor duties are available online.
Join your LTA friends the evening of June 3 at 7:00 PM for the annual meeting and participate in the election process. Annual meeting information will be mailed and emailed to all members several weeks in advance.
The Little Theatre of Alexandria is a 501c(3) organization. While we are able to cover our operating expenses by the income generated by our productions, we rely on the tax-exempt donations of individuals and groups to help us improve our building and purchase vital technical equipment. Donors are thanked by name in our playbills, starting at $25 and above, according to giving categories:
- Founding Fathers – $1,000 and above
- Continental Congress – $500 to $999
- Patriots – $250-$499
- Alexandrians – $100-$249
- Minutemen – $50-$99
- Colonists – $25-$49
If you would prefer to donate by check, download the donor form HERE and mail it in with payment.
Donations made by check can be mailed to:
The Little Theatre of Alexandria
600 Wolfe Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Planning Your Gift
Have you considered including The Little Theatre of Alexandria as a beneficiary of your estate? We can suggest tools that will assist you in making plans that will support the artistic and education programs of LTA in the future, as well as provide your estate with tax benefits. For more information, contact our Business Manager at 703-683-5778 ext 2.
If you would like to volunteer backstage for a production, please contact the front office at: 703.683.5778 x2 or email asklta@thelittletheatre.com
Sometimes hundreds of actors turn out to audition for a main stage production at LTA. Workers are needed to sign people in, provide information, and generally ensure everyone is where they need to be.
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Minimal
Sometimes designing costumes for each performer is accomplished by simply pulling something from our costume room or personal sources. Other times, the costume designer may have to create entirely new costumes for most or all of the performers. If you have designing ability and would like to create costumes for a cast, this is a great opportunity. Working closely with the Producer and Director, the Costume Designer ensures that all performers are clad in attire appropriate to the story and setting all within a specific budget.
Experience Required: Moderate to Extensive
Time Commitment: Varies
Every show must have lighting. The Lighting Designer, working with the Director, lights up the stage, sets the mood and adds special effects to make the production more exciting. Do we need a follow spot? Are special color effects required? Are certain areas specially lit? The position calls for a knowledge of lighting theory and light instruments. It also helps if this individual can climb a tall ladder.
Experience Required: Moderate to Extensive
Time Commitment: Varies
Someone has to help the Lighting Designer hang and focus the lights as well as run our computerized light board during each performance. Cues are set by the Lighting Designer and called by the Stage Manager, but we need someone to actually push the buttons that make the lights appear. You get a great view of the performance!
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Minimal
Each production requires a makeup designer and sometimes a hair designer to ensure that the actors look good (or bad as the show requires). The makeup designer will coordinate all makeup requirements, including special makeup (e.g. old age makeup, special effects makeup), and work with (or serve as) the hair and wig designer. The makeup/hair designer(s) and crews are responsible for training or assisting the actors in applying suitable makeup, styling their hair as appropriate, or wearing wigs as required.
Experience Required: None (Crew) to Moderate to Extensive (Designer)
Time Commitment: Varies
The Master Electrician is the Lighting Designer’s right-hand man (or woman). He or she is responsible for rounding up the lighting crew and ensuring that the designer’s vision becomes a reality.
Experience Required: Moderate
Time Commitment: Varies
We are in need of photographers to help promote our shows. Photographers help a show with headshots and show photos. These photos are seen on our website, social media and in the press. This is a great opportunity for aspiring photographers who are looking to build their portfolio! For more information, please contact Rachel Alberts at rachelaclu@gmail.com.
A prop is anything an actor touches on stage—a book, a cigarette, a sword, a cup, food—you name it. The prop designer gathers the props that the actors will need (from LTA’s extensive collection or from local stores) and ensures that they are ready and available for each performance (and some rehearsals). Props crew are also needed at each performance to get out, put away, and take care of each prop.
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Varies (Minimal for Props Crew)
Set construction workers are responsible for implementing the set designer’s design and turning it into a real working environment for the actors. If you like to build stuff with power tools, this job is for you.
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Varies
Once the set has been painted, it’s time to decorate! Set Decoration includes furniture, lamps, wall hangings, curtains, books, plants and other touches to make the set feel like home. Set decorators gather materials from LTA’s extensive selection and occasionally get to go shopping for new items. If you love interior designing with someone else’s budget, this is the job for you!
Experience Required: None to Moderate
Time Commitment: Minimal
Set Design
When the curtain opens, the first thing the audience usually sees is the set. Everything from walls, windows, doors, stairs, and sometimes even outdoor scenery must be designed and created. A Set Designer usually has some experience in architecture or related structural design.
Experience Required: Moderate to Extensive
Time Commitment: Varies
Once the set has been built, it must be painted. This can vary anywhere from a solid color, a pattern to mimic wallpaper, or an intricate scenic design.
Experience Required: None to Moderate
Time Commitment: Minimal
Once the costumes are designed, they must be built. We have the sewing room and the machines, but we need experienced garment makers who can help create the dresses, suits, etc. used in our productions. Even when we use costumes from our costume room, they must be fitted to the performers. This is especially true for our large musicals that require many costumes. If you enjoy sewing and are willing to work with patterns, we urge you to volunteer for this department.
Experience Required: Moderate
Time Commitment: Varies
Yes, this almost always involves special sound effects such as a key turning in a door lock or a toilet flushing, but more importantly, it means music. Sound Designers should know something about music to be able to work with the Director to find just the right sounds and music to create the desired mood. This person also should be willing to learn how to use LTA’s state-of-the-art sound equipment. We are always looking for good sound people.
Experience Required: Moderate
Time Commitment: Varies
Every production uses some sound. It may be music played in the auditorium before the show, wireless microphones worn by the singers, or it could be sound effects played during the performance. Whatever it is, we need someone to actually run the sound equipment. You sit in the sound booth above the audience, wearing a headset to stay in contact with the Stage Manager who will be calling the cues. You will attend rehearsals and run the sound for several performances during the run of the show. No previous experience is necessary; we will train you.
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Minimal
During the run of the show, we need people backstage to assist with “quick changes” and to fix costumes when they lose a button or are torn. The person in charge of wardrobe is also responsible for having costumes laundered or dry cleaned throughout the run of a show.
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Minimal
If you would like to work on a production, please contact the front office at: 703.683.5778 x2 or email asklta@thelittletheatre.com
All of our musical productions require the involvement of an experienced choreographer to ensure that the actors and dancers know where and how to move. The Choreographer works closely with the Director to design all of the dances in a production and then teaches them to the cast. The Choreographer must also prepare and conduct a dance audition as a part of the audition process.
Experience Required: Moderate to Extensive
Time Commitment: Extensive
The Music Director is a central figure in all of our musical productions. In collaboration with the Director, the Music Director selects the cast and the orchestra, teaches the music to the singers and to the orchestra and conducts the orchestra during all performances. This position requires an experienced musician with a background in both vocal and instrumental music.
Experience Required: Moderate to Extensive
Time Commitment: Extensive
Experienced Directors are always sought for our main stage productions. Directors are hired for each production after a rigorous interview process. For those interested in learning to direct, we can assign them to assist more experienced Directors, then give them a chance to try their skills on one of our one-act play productions. As a tradition, LTA tries to select at least two Directors each season who have not worked with us before (or at least for many years).
Experience Required: Moderate to Extensive
Time Commitment: Extensive
As with our Directors, Producers must be experienced people. We will, however, train new members who are willing to prepare themselves to produce shows in future seasons. The Producer is the CEO of the Production. The Producer hires the Designers and Crew Chiefs, keeps the show within budget, arranges meetings and handles all problems. The Producer is required to be at all rehearsals and every performance. If interested, we will assign you to assist an experienced Producer to learn the ropes (and meet the numerous people you will need to know for a successful production).
Experience Required: Moderate to Extensive
Time Commitment: Extensive
A stage manager gets involved in all aspects of a production because once the show opens, the stage manager is in charge. The Stage Manager attends rehearsals, works with the cast, discusses the light and sound cues with the designers and Director and ensures that everything and everyone is in place for each performance. The Stage Manager calls all of the cues, ensures that the cast members are in place during performances, opens the curtain and sometimes handles sound effect duties backstage. This is a position for which we will train someone. Be prepared to be very busy.
Experience Required: Moderate
Time Commitment: Extensive
The ASM is part of the management team of the production and is often needed in larger productions. The ASM is often stationed just offstage to facilitate communication between the stage manager and actors, as well as ensuring safety. The ASM often helps with complex set changes, quick changes offstage, or preparing the stage for performance.
Experience Required: Moderate
Time Commitment: Extensive
If you would like to volunteer in these areas, please contact Genie Baskir at littletheatre.foh@gmail.com
The House Manager plays an important role both before and throughout the performance. The House Manager prepares the theater for the arrival of the audience, supervises the ushers, answers questions from the audience, and assists patrons with special needs—including special headsets for the hearing impaired and special attention for patrons in wheel chairs. In coordination with the Stage Manager, the House manager makes sure that everything runs smoothly from the time the first patrons arrive until the curtain opens.
Notice: We offer orientation and training on a one-to-one basis or in group settings. If you want to have this orientation/training, please contact Monty Montgomery at littletheatre.foh@gmail.com. You will find your experience to go more smoothly if you are aware of what to expect. House Managers also oversee the Ushers and need to be aware of their duties.
Experience Required: Some
Time Commitment: Minimal
Extensive experience is not necessary for this volunteer work. However, we do invite you to participate in Front of House orientation before volunteering. Arrive on time before the show, stand at the door, take tickets and hand out Playbills. For intermission, Ushers assist with intermission snacks, are friendly and smile a lot. LTA needs two volunteer ushers for each performance. This is an easy commitment that allows you to get to know LTA and decide what other activities, if any, you may wish to become involved in.
Notice: We offer orientation and training on a one-to-one basis or in group settings. If you want to have this orientation/training, please contact Monty Montgomery at littletheatre.foh@gmail.com. You will find your experience to go more smoothly if you are aware of what to expect.
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Minimal
- Be familiar with the printed responsibilities for the house manager position.
- Offer support to the house manager as needed.
- Take the lead in handling handicapped patrons while the house manager deals with stage management communications and management of usher responsibilities.
We offer orientation and training on a one-to-one basis or in group settings. If you want to have this orientation/training, please contact Monty Montgomery at littletheatre.foh@gmail.com. You will find your experience to go more smoothly if you are aware of what to expect.
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Minimal
Usher/House Manager Online Sign Up Lists
2024-25 Sign Ups
A Christmas Carol
December 7 – 21, 2024: https://signup.com/go/fqkwQmO
Matilda (musical)
February 8 – March 1, 2025: https://signup.com/go/HfamrZB
Much Ado About Nothing (comedy)
March 29 – April 19, 2025: https://signup.com/go/AZTjksa
The Play That Goes Wrong (comedy/farce)
June 7 – 28, 2025: https://signup.com/go/AnvhKBR
If you would like to volunteer in any of these areas, please contact Genie Baskir at littletheatre.foh@gmail.com
If you love food and adore putting on a party, LTA has two opportunities for you. First, Opening Night is always a special event at the Little Theatre of Alexandria. Following the show, we have a gala black tie party on our Green Room. The host of the party, usually with a group of assistants, selects the menu, prepares the food, sets up and decorates the Green Room and cleans up after the party. You will have a budget for the food, and LTA will provide the drinks. If you like to plan parties for 150-200 people, this could be interesting. If you would prefer a smaller crowd, LTA puts on a dinner for the cast and crew of each production the Sunday before opening night (referred to as “Double Tech”). As with Opening Night, you would have a budget to work with and would prepare the food, set up the Green Room, and clean up—with the help of your assistants, of course!
Experience Required: Minimal
Time Commitment: Moderate
LTA has two opportunities to help with food service: Opening Night parties and Double-Tech dinners. Assist caterer at the Opening Night party with assembling hors d’oeurves, plate food, room set-up, passing food, managing the ovens, replenishing the buffet table and helping with clean up. Help set up the room and serve food for the Double-Tech dinner.
Experience Required: None – only a willing attitude
Time Commitment: Moderate
Bartenders are needed for our Opening Night parties and a few other parties throughout the year. Bartenders are required to set up and take down the bar, cut lemons and limes, serve simple mixed drinks as well as beer and wine and help get the room ready for a party.
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Moderate
If you would like to volunteer in these areas, please contact our Box Office Governor, Lloyd Bittinger, at LTA.BoxOfficeGov@gmail.com.
We are seeking Box Office Desk volunteers during both the afternoon and evening office hours. Box Office volunteers should have good telephone communication skills, good manners and a calm demeanor to assist the public in the ticket booth or office on performance dates. Some training is required, but we are happy to work with anyone interested. No previous experience is necessary.
Experience Required: None
Time Commitment: Varies
Duties include answering phones, completing ticket orders, and handling any patrons that stop by the Box Office. Volunteers are needed Saturdays (1-3pm). No previous experience is needed but some training will be required for the ticketing software we use (AudienceView Professional).
Two volunteers are needed for each performance. One volunteer works the Will Call window, distributing tickets, large print playbills, and hearing assistance devices to patrons. Volunteers are needed Wednesday – Friday (7-8:15pm) and *Sunday (2-3:15pm). No previous experience or training required.
Another volunteer is needed to work at the Box Office Desk, completing ticket orders, reprinting ticket orders, answering the phone, and other box office related tasks. Volunteers are needed Wednesday – Saturday (7-8:30pm) and *Sunday (2-3:30pm). No previous experience is needed but some training will be required for the ticketing software we use (AudienceView Professional).
*As of July 1, 2024, our Sunday matinees change to 2pm, and the Sunday volunteer shift will be 1-2:30pm.
Sign up to volunteer at the Box Office Desk or Will Call Window for any upcoming show this season by clicking on the show link below.
We have openings at the Desk and at Info Booth/Will Call. New Volunteers: before signing up for a Desk shift, please email Lloyd Bittinger at LTA.BoxOfficeGov@gmail.com to arrange for a special training session on our ticketing system and the procedures you’ll need to know while on a Desk shift. (Volunteers for Will Call, our information booth, do not need a special training session) Your support for LTA is truly appreciated!
2024-25 Sign Ups:
A Christmas Carol
December 7 – 21, 2024: https://signup.com/go/LOWLXKe
Matilda (musical)
February 8 – March 1, 2025: https://signup.com/go/FFwESZy
Much Ado About Nothing (comedy)
March 29 – April 19, 2025: https://signup.com/go/cVAPeQi
The Play That Goes Wrong (comedy/farce)
June 7 – 28, 2025: https://signup.com/go/DxQFwCT
For more information about joining our marketing team, contact Governor for Public Relations, Fred Lash, at flashpr4lta@gmail.com.
For more information about helping LTA with community engagement contact Governor for Development, Chris Tomasino, at ctomasino.lta@gmail.com.
For more information about joining our Education Department contact Governor for Education, Heather Sanderson, at bardsplay@gmail.com.
For more information about joining our fundraising team contact Governor for Development, Chris Tomasino, at ctomasino.lta@gmail.com.
The seasonal planning department is responsible for managing the seasonal planning functions at LTA including the One Acts, director/producer selection committee, awards committee and seasonal publications. For any seasonal planning inquiries or requests, please contact the Governor of Seasonal Planning, Eleanore Tapscott at ltaseasonalplanning@gmail.com. *Please note, we do not accept unsolicited scripts*
Please provide feedback on Future LTA Seasons
Click the link below or please email ltaseasonalplanning@gmail.com to receive the survey.
LTA Survey
Recommend plays for consideration for the 2026-27 Season!
If you submit a show ultimately selected to be performed at LTA, you will receive a free pair of tickets!
Play Submission Form
Interested in serving on LTA’s Play Selection Committee for the 2026-2027 Season?
Committee Info & Form
As an all volunteer organization, LTA depends on various committees to get things done. These committees are usually appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Governors. Committees meet weekly, monthly or quarterly depending on their tasks. LTA currently has the following standing committees:
Given tasks by the President to review and recommend.
Arranges for judges and all aspects of our annual awards program.
Reviews the annual budgets submitted by the individual Governors and prepares an annual budget for approval by the Board of Governors.
Keeps us up to date with computer equipment and training.
In charge of making our Theatre look good.
Assists the Public Relations Governor with targeting marketing efforts for specific shows.
DEI (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion) COMMITTEE
The DEI committee meets on a regular basis to discuss the current activities of LTA and the theatre’s impact on the community as a whole. The results of these discussions are proposals of not only ideas but methods for implementation and evaluation. The committee’s long-term, ongoing goal is to increase the diversity in all areas of LTA volunteer base, including positions of leadership.
Interviews prospective Directors and Producers.
Coordinates all activities regarding membership benefits, including Floodlight publication, membership parties, volunteer coordination, and membership renewals. Experience Required: None to Moderate. Time Commitment: Minimal
Selects candidates for our annual elections.
Read the new scripts received in our annual National One-Act Playwriting Competition and select the winners.
The LTA Millennial Committee is a group of actors, techies, audience members, and lovers of theatre aged 18-40 who aim to provide events and programs surrounding LTA’s season for young professionals. To sign up to receive information, invites and updates from LTA’s NextGen Committee, email nextgenlta@gmail.com.
The Little Theatre of Alexandria extends a warm welcome to any organization or business to participate in our Partners in Art Night (PAN) program. PAN is an opportunity for any organization or business to partner with LTA for a specific performance during one of our major productions as a fund-raising resource, a membership activity or a way for businesses to express appreciation to their clients or employees. PAN performance can be enhanced with a pre-show reception in our Green Room. Partners provide anything from punch and cookies at intermission to a casual wine and cheese gathering or even a full catered reception before the show. Some charitable groups use an evening at LTA as a setting for an annual silent auction in order to heighten the fund-raising potential of these events. The lobby, Green Room reception area, full kitchen and outdoor courtyard (weather permitting) are all at your disposal as a partner. Most importantly, your PAN performance entitles your organization to a private command performance of one of our popular stage productions, a valuable option for fund-raisers throughout Northern Virginia.
Cost: The fee for a non-musical is $1,799; and the fee for a musical is $1,999. A $400 deposit is required at the time a contract is secured. The remaining balance is due the evening of the performance.
Each year in May, LTA holds a lottery to allow a fair opportunity for Partners to secure a performance for the upcoming season (LTA seasons run from July through June). If you would like to reserve one of the above-listed show or wish to be notified of our next PAN lottery, please contact the Business Office, at (703) 683-5778 x2. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Click HERE to download photos of our theatre and our Green Room.
Winners Announced!
Scenes from an Apocalypse
Close Your Eyes
Blessed Thorn
Thanks to the LTA One-Acts Play Reading Committee!
Thank you to the amazing LTA One-Acts play reading committee, who read 114 scripts over the course of eight weeks, and completed a full weekend to select the three winning shows: Scenes from an Apocalypse, Blessed Thorn and Close Your Eyes.
Amy Tolbert Harris, Ann Lloyd Breeden, Jenna Dawkins, Lela Ross, Rachel Zeigler, Richard Young, Ruth Sturm, Steven Rosenthal, and Vero Autphenne
An additional thank you to LTA Seasonal Planning Chair Eleanore Tapscott for supporting the One Acts Committee, and even participating in our reading committee!
Stay tuned for more information on any upcoming productions for these fabulous plays.
If you are interested in learning more about participating in the committee in the future, please reach out to us at oneactsLTA@gmail.com.
Brittany Huffman & Josh Heit, One-Acts Committee Co-Chairs
Submissions for the 47th Annual One Act Playwriting Competition are now closed.
Please check back for information on the next competition, intended to open in August 2025.
Guidelines for Submission:
For a play to be considered for this competition, the submission(s) must be an original, unpublished, and un-produced (not staged for a paying audience, including festivals with paid tickets, as of the date of entry) play.
LTA intends to provide some form of staged reading or production for the winning plays. At this time, a schedule for this has not been confirmed.
LTA shall have the right to produce winning scripts without payment of royalties in 2024 or 2025. Shows that receive a paid production during the submission period must be withdrawn, with another play allowed for substitution through September 16th. All production and publication rights remain the property of the playwright.
To participate in the 47th Annual One-Act Playwriting competition, you must follow all of the guidelines on the following pages. Any questions can be directed to the One Act Chairs at oneactslta@gmail.com.
You must submit your entry and payment no later than September 16, 2024. If your play is not submitted by this deadline, your play will not be considered for the competition.
How to Submit Your Show:
Please use the link below to fill out our submission form. You will be asked for some information about yourself and to upload your shows directly to the form. If you have any issues submitting your show, please email us at oneactslta@gmail.com. Please note that the form will only allow you to upload a file if you are using a gmail account. If you do not have one, please email us for additional instructions.
Submission Fee:
New this year, LTA will not be charging a submission fee for the One Act Playwriting Competition.
Cash prizes remain as they have in previous years, as listed below.
Script Guidelines
Script Formatting
- All plays must be sent as a PDF file. Any other electronic format will not be accepted.
- Script must be in blind copy formatting (meaning, no identifying information about the author should appear in the script, including name, address or contact information).
- Script must include a list of characters with descriptions, a brief synopsis of the show, and numbered pages.
Scripts that do not meet the above guidelines may not be scored.
Script Content
- The approximate run time of the show must be 20 to 50 minutes.
- Shows cannot include nudity. However, strong themes and language are welcome.
- The submission must be a stage play. Film, TV or other scripts will not be accepted.
- The show cannot be a musical or a play with live instrumentation.
- The show cannot be the same submission from the year prior unless significant
re-writes have been made to the script. For more information, email the chairs at oneactslta@gmail.com.
Technical Requirements
- Given that the winners will be staged, the show must be written to meet technical specifications for the theater. A limited budget (amount yet to be confirmed) will be made available to the production team. Examples from previous years are provided below, but if you have questions on whether your show would meet technical specifications, you can email oneactslta@gmail.com.
- Set: One large set piece (e.g., a rooftop) or a few smaller/medium-sized pieces (e.g., a bus seat, sand dunes)
- Props and costumes: Should be readily available or easily made
- Light and sound: Show should be accommodated with basic lighting instruments and minimal sound effects.
- Special effects: Some special effects can be accommodated (e.g., fog) ○ Combat and/or intimacy choreography: Must be minimal
- Music: Shows with live music cannot be accommodated.
Scripts will be judged on the following categories:
- Concept
- Production Elements
- Dramatic Action
- Characterization
- Dialogue
- Ability to be performed within technical requirements
Prizes of $350 for 1st place, $250 for 2nd place and $150 for 3rd place will be awarded. Winning scripts will also be offered an opportunity to have their script workshopped before going to production.
Notification of Outcome
Finalists will be notified in mid-November 2024, and final winners will be selected by the end of 2024. All playwrights will be notified of their final status by the end of 2024. LTA is proud to offer feedback to authors who request it. Feedback will be provided to all authors who request it by the end of January 2025.
If you have any questions about the submission process, please email oneactslta@gmail.com.
Do you love reading new and original one-acts? Do you like the idea of bringing new people, works, artists, and ideas to the stage? Consider applying to be a part of LTA’s One-Acts Reading Committee!
Readers will have the chance to read and score original one-acts from around the world, with the possibility of winners being performed in the summer of 2025. Readers will be tasked with reading scripts from the period of August to October 2024 and scoring them based on a predetermined scored sheet. In November, the team will come together to read the top scoring scripts and pick the winners. All reading and scoring is done online; each reader will be emailed scripts to read and score (typically 3-5 a week).
Readers are required to attend a virtual information session on August 24 or 26, and must be available for an in-person meeting taking up most of the weekend on November 16 and 17. Individuals applying to the committee who have not yet served on the team will be asked to complete a scoring form as part of their application between August 1 and 12. Please note that the committee may not be able to accept all interested individuals at this time. All readers are required to be members of LTA iif accepted onto the committee.
If you have any questions, please email One-Acts Committee Chairs Josh Heit and Brittany Huffman at oneactslta@gmail.com.
Interested? Apply HERE by August 7
(deadline extended)
The Council of the Little Theatre of Alexandria formed in 1961, the year that LTA opened its building at the current location. During those formative years, the members of the Council provided LTA with both necessities and luxuries that the theater was unable to afford at the time. These included the completion of the furnishing of the Council Greenroom, auditorium seats, and the theatre’s first grand drape. More recently, the Council has provided two more grand drapes, a computerized light board, landscaping, and lobby furniture, and made contributions toward the purchase of storage garages and technical enhancements. To date, the Council has donated over $100,000 to the theatre.
Current and future audition dates can now be found HERE.
Information on our director selection process can now be found HERE.
Directors Announced for the 2024-2025 Season
July/August 2024: Memphis – Rikki Howie Lacewell
September 2024: The Explorers Club – Adam Konowe
October/November 2024: Jekyll and Hyde – Jennifer Hardin
December 2024: A Christmas Carol – Sarah Hardy
January 2025: Staged Readings: Fuente Ovejuena-Jessie Roberts; A Bold Stroke for a Husband – Rebecca Grutz
February 2025 Musical: Roald Dahl’s Matilda-The Musical -Janie Downey
March/April 2025: Much Ado About Nothing – Joey Pierce
April 2025 Staged Reading: Holiday – Ruth Sturm
June 2025: The Play That Goes Wrong – Frank D. Shutts, II
2025-2026 Season
July/August 2025: Kinky Boots – Kevin Sockwell
Director Selection Chairs: Jennifer Thomas and Zachary Litwiller, ltaseasonalplanning@gmail.com
Governor of Seasonal Planning Eleanore Tapscott, ltaseasonalplanning@gmail.com